Thank you. x
Posted by Rikey Austin on

We know you love us when you find us and that's why you keep coming back. You also know that we're here, either a phone call or an email away, often day and night. We love sharing the journey of making with you and love that we get to support you in your creativity and it means the world to us. That's why we're always looking for ways to help you make the most of our kits. Check out our tutorial videos if you haven't already. This month we have launched our loyalty scheme to say thank you. You don't...
- Tags: Loyalty scheme, Rewards
Help! Hilfe! مساعدة!
Posted by Rikey Austin on

Are you one of those Super Clever folk who speaks more than one language? We'd love your help to translate our YouTube videos. Making our free, recycling tutorials even more accessible, the whole world over. Now I speak just un poco Spanish but it stretches about as far as ordering a few beers then asking directions for the toilet! Please, please share this post with your friends. Let's get the whole world crafting.
FREE, global Teddy Bear Lost & Found Map
Posted by Rikey Austin on

If there's anything more heartbreaking than the sight of a lost teddy, sitting on a wall, waiting to be found, it's being the parent of the child who's lost that first best friend. As a member of the 'Organisation for Responsible Businesses' we make our product development about finding and solving just this sort of problem. Yep! I know! We picked a real biggie this time but if you're going to spend two years developing a project and if you're going to do it for free, no strings, then it better be worth it. That's why we at Alice's Bear Shop...
Free Rag Doll face painting tutorials, hospital and why I love my job!
Posted by Rikey Austin on

I LOVE MY JOB! I thought I'd throw that one out there. Just in case any of you were in any doubt at all. I've had an enforced break of two long weeks following a very minor op and missed our little shop and the amazing Team Teddy sooooo, so very much. It's not like I didn't know how lucky I am. How many people wake up and give a resigned little sigh when they realise they're NOT in work that day? But then, playing and creating with Rag Dolls and Teddies while making people so happy they cry in...
- Tags: Download, Ethical, Ethical Trading, Make a Rag Doll, Rag Doll, Rag Doll Pattern, Rag Doll Tutorial
Why we'll never be (money) rich!
Posted by Rikey Austin on

People and Planet before profit is the motto we shamelessly borrow and tweak from the incredible ORB 'Organisation for Responsible Businesses' It's why we put so much energy into projects like our Memory Rag Doll making tutorials. They'll never make us rich. Selling a full kit is far better for our profit bottom line but teaching someone to make a Rag Doll that will become a treasured family heirloom is a wonderful feeling and helping them to do that with recycled fabrics means our People and Planet bottom lines are looking pretty healthy. You can join us right now by...
- Tags: Download, Ethical, Ethical Trading, Make a Rag Doll, Rag Doll, Rag Doll Pattern, Rag Doll Tutorial