News — Ethical
Free Rag Doll face painting tutorials, hospital and why I love my job!
Posted by Rikey Austin on

I LOVE MY JOB! I thought I'd throw that one out there. Just in case any of you were in any doubt at all. I've had an enforced break of two long weeks following a very minor op and missed our little shop and the amazing Team Teddy sooooo, so very much. It's not like I didn't know how lucky I am. How many people wake up and give a resigned little sigh when they realise they're NOT in work that day? But then, playing and creating with Rag Dolls and Teddies while making people so happy they cry in...
- Tags: Download, Ethical, Ethical Trading, Make a Rag Doll, Rag Doll, Rag Doll Pattern, Rag Doll Tutorial
Why we'll never be (money) rich!
Posted by Rikey Austin on

People and Planet before profit is the motto we shamelessly borrow and tweak from the incredible ORB 'Organisation for Responsible Businesses' It's why we put so much energy into projects like our Memory Rag Doll making tutorials. They'll never make us rich. Selling a full kit is far better for our profit bottom line but teaching someone to make a Rag Doll that will become a treasured family heirloom is a wonderful feeling and helping them to do that with recycled fabrics means our People and Planet bottom lines are looking pretty healthy. You can join us right now by...
- Tags: Download, Ethical, Ethical Trading, Make a Rag Doll, Rag Doll, Rag Doll Pattern, Rag Doll Tutorial
We were on the radio!
Posted by Rikey Austin on

On Thursday 2nd of March, our interview with the lovely Charlotte Foot aired on BBC Radio Solent. Charlotte was a sweetheart. We had such giggles and even managed to get across an important message. Our Teddy and Doll Hospital is at the heart of our ethical business. It's a perfect example of the circular economy making it a great thing for the planet. Those of you who know us won't be surprised by the pleasure our work gives us. It's wonderful, truly wonderful to see the joy that handing over a mended, beloved teddy brings. You can listen to the...
- Tags: Alice's Bear Shop, BBC, Circular Economy, Ethical, Ethical Business, Radio Interview, Radio Solent, Recycling, Teddy Hospital, Teddy Repair, Toy Hospital, Toy Repair
ANTI HOARDING Memory Rag Doll project for February
Posted by Rikey Austin on

While chatting about the mountains of 'stuff' we bury ourselves in, it occurred to me that the urge to hoard is as branching and diverse as the biggest gnarled oak in the forest. To begin with, we make a decision not to part with an item. We see value in it and therefore hang on to it. Now that makes sense. What's the problem? And really, at this stage there is no problem at all. But, let's break it down a little, let's take a look at a very few of the reasons for keeping an item. The item is...