News — Recycle
Why do you make bears, toys and dolls?
Posted by Rikey Austin on
When I first started working at Alice’s Bear Shop I started as admin and opposite the desk was the doll in the bear onesie. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I’m sure he was asking me to take him off the shelf and sit him on my desk. When I picked him up he felt lovely in my arms, he was the tradition doll, he had ginger hair poking out from under the hood on the onesie. I knew I needed to make my own doll and then the obsession started.
- Tags: Alice's Bear Shop, Bear Making, Blog, Christmas, Family Time, gift, Make a Rag Doll, making memories, Rag Doll, Rag Doll Making, Rag Doll Pattern, Recycle
ANTI HOARDING Memory Rag Doll project for February
Posted by Rikey Austin on
While chatting about the mountains of 'stuff' we bury ourselves in, it occurred to me that the urge to hoard is as branching and diverse as the biggest gnarled oak in the forest. To begin with, we make a decision not to part with an item. We see value in it and therefore hang on to it. Now that makes sense. What's the problem? And really, at this stage there is no problem at all. But, let's break it down a little, let's take a look at a very few of the reasons for keeping an item. The item is...